Marie-Ève Levasseur
Image tirée de l'oeuvre Ce corps-glitch de Marie-Ève Levasseur

BOOM! Marie-Ève Levasseur’s work is online on Steam and on!

The work of Marie-Eve Levasseur Le corps-glitch (multitudes), is a virtual reality experience that features bodies potential and future to merge with the Other, change body, skin and slowly metamorphose into a hybrid being that connects with plant, animal, and technological species.

In VR in general, we often contemplate an external world, like a disembodied being; we lose our physical body, so to speak. The body we receive in this work transgresses anthropomorphic forms, and always transits towards a different fate. The shapes and textures this body takes on are related to the position the user occupies in virtual space. Somewhere in the environment is a reflective surface, giving a glimpse of this new body that is incarnated for an unfixed duration, at the discretion of the person experiencing it. The project proposes a processual definition of what a human being could be, highlighting the mutualities of our ecosystem. The idea of a “glitch-body” comes from the Glitch Feminism Manifesto (Legacy Russel). It is a body that refuses to conform and take the forms dictated by the norm. Online, we lose our physical selves to disembodied use. But this loss allows us to experiment with a variety of potential identities, surfaces, colors and shapes. In this way, the glitch-body is a body that mutates, changes form and defies expected standards.


A little touch of 0/1 – Digital Hub for Sporobole:

Our digital art researcher, Renaud, accompanied Marie-Ève in a first exploration of the medium of virtual reality. Together, they first looked at the possibilities of photogrammetry to create organic models that interested the artist. Then, they looked at using particle systems as a starting point to create bodies and volumes that were always changing depending on the areas of the environment explored. The body is inhabited by the user who uses movement sensors (full body tracking). Finally, for his part, our digital technology developer, Guillaume, took care of the sound integration.

Take out your VR headset and immerse yourself in the fascinating world of Marie-Ève Levasseur!


Le corps-glitch (multitudes), de Marie-Ève Levasseur, sur Steam

Le corps-glitch (multitudes), de Marie-Ève Levasseur, sur

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