Founded in 1984, Folie/Culture seeks to inform, to raise awareness, and to promote in the area of mental health. It organises events that follow unusual directions in research while at the same time motivating reflection on questions relating to painful social issues.
Partner with resource groups that work in the social and mental health fields, and supported by numerous collaborators in the cultural network, Folie/Culture has over the years developed an atypical approach to raising awareness.
In concentrating its field of action in the area where the cultural and the social meet, the organisation privileges innovative cultural expression .
This position was adopted on the one hand because of the analogy that can be drawn between the expression of madness itself and the creative process, both of which express that part of human nature which resists being tamed, and which disturbs traditional ways of thinking, feeling, and experiencing what is real. On the other hand, it also translates the desire to set aside the belief that madness concerns only the madman and his doctor, and that art concerns only the artist and his public. In that way, Folie/Culture opens up a breach in the social discourse on madness by encouraging artistic work whose aim is based on personal research that has a close relationship both with madness and with certain social anxieties.