

Launch of the #119/Machines issue of Le sabord magazine. Readings and exchanges around the theme of the issue, Machines. Geneviève Rioux and Nicholas Giguère, authors of the issue #119, will be present.

«Reflecting the creativity and inventiveness inherent to human beings, machines occupy a predominant place in our imagination as well as in our daily lives. From our home to the spheres of entertainment and professional spaces, they have become real partners, beyond their initial function as tools. And the relationships that unite us to them have, by the same token, become more complex. Love, indifference, dependence, exploitation, hatred, the feelings and discourses they generate are marked by enthusiasm and fears, expectations and disappointments, just like those we feel for a fellow man or an enemy. This issue deals with machines in many ways through the work of sixteen authors and artists. It includes ten astonishing texts, signed by both accomplished writers (Jonathan Charette, Jean-Paul Daoust, Alexandre Dostie, Nicholas Giguère, Patrick Lane and Catherine Poulin) and emerging writers (Frédérique Dubé, Geneviève Rioux, Chloé Savoie-Bernard, Annie Tenaglio and Mathieu Villeneuve). Six visual artists also present inventive and striking visions of the theme: Baron Lanteigne, Gregory Chatonsky, Francisco Gonzalez-Rosas, Pascale LeBlanc Lavigne, Gabriel Mondor and Skawennati. The issue is completed by interviews with Catherine Leroux and Gina Cortopassi, coordinator of Laboratoire NT2.»

– Le Sabord


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