Creation and production


Déjà-vu is an online diffusion platform of immersive and virtual sound works. Created from the 3D digitization of Sporobole’s outdoor space, it recalls the familiar structure of the center. The platform offers the public the possibility to live or relive an experience originally conceived for the sound window, an outdoor linear device of 16 speakers integrated into Sporobole’s building facade. It also showcases works produced especially for this environment, which becomes, here, a creation support in itself. By placing freedom of movement at the heart of the passerby’s experience in the context of a three-dimensional visual and sound environment, Déjà-vu aims at widening the notions of space of creation and diffusion while highlighting the sound works created at Sporobole and making them accessible from anywhere.

Join us for the inauguration of the new virtual sound immersion platform Déjà-vu and the opening of Nicola Giannini’s work *Rebonds *!


Access Déjà-vu here (takes 4 to 8 minutes depending on your internet connection speed)

playbutton deja vu

For an optimal listening experience, download the app (10 GB) directly to your computer via the platform (25 GB).