Manicouagan : 210 million years of astronomical, environmental and historic upheaval
Impact Immersion Manicouagan (2023)
Nathalie Lasselin
Immersive documentary video, 7 min 30 sec.
In the depths of the Manicouagan reservoir, an entire territory has been swallowed up, the result of hydroelectric development. All that remains are the skeletons of the trees that once formed a nourishing and protective boreal forest inhabited by an Innu community. This community will never be able to return to its original territory, or even look upon it, as it now lies beneath the cold, black waters of the Manicouagan reservoir.
During her many dives into the reservoir, Nathalie Lasselin captured video images of the flooded forest, both beautiful and disturbing. These images have been adapted for broadcast through a virtual reality headset, giving the illusion of joining the diver in this strange universe, symbol of resilience.
Find the exhibition’s curatorial statement HERE
Co-produced by Sporobole and Station Mir/Festival ]interstice[ and toured by Sporobole, the exhibition was first presented at the Voart Exhibition Center in Val-d’Or, from February 02, 2023 to January 19, 2024.
📸 Courtesy Voart Exhibition Centre
Manikuakanishtiku : 210 « millions » tatupipuna ishpish mishta-atussemakak anite uashkut eshi-takuaki tshekuana, inniun mak tipatshimuna
Eshpaniuet kueshapepanit Manikuakan (2023)
Nathalie Lasselin
Kanu ka tutuakanit e tipatakanit ne ka ishpanit, 7 e tshikashtet mak 30 katshishipanishiti.
Atamipekut ne ka mautakanit nipi Manikuakan, nutim na peiku assi kushapekatakanu, uetshipanit atusseun nanimissiu-ishkutet. Eukuan muku eshkupanit mishtikuat ka penakashepatakaniht, eshku tshemashiht anite atamipekut, ueshkat tshitshue anite ka minashkuaut tshiuetinit anite mitshim ka uenutishimakak mak ka tshishpeuashuet anite innuat ka taht. Nita, ne minashkuau apu tshikut tshiuepanit anite ka utshipanit, apu auat tshika ut tshitapatakanit, uesh atamipekut na takuan anite meshta-tatshikamut nipi e kashtipishkat anite ka mautakanit nipi Manikuakan.
Ishpish mitshetuau kutshit anite ka mautakannit nipinu, Nathalie Lasselin tshi uapameu akunakana ka shekupaniakanniti e minushishiniti kie e kushkushiuet ne minashkuau nessipitakanit. Anitshenat akunakanat ishinakuiakanipanat tshetshi uanasse tshitapamakaniht ashit ne utukaikauna mak tshetshi miam e nashuakanit ne kakutshisht anite meshkatenitakuak etananut eshi-tshissinuatshitakanit e tshi shaputueshkakanit tshekuan e animatshenitakuak.