

je ne raconte pas d’histoires
Sound Situations 

What is in this space should not be presented, nor introduced, nor portended.

In this space, je ne raconte pas d’histoires(I don’t tell stories); I create a ‘story of space’ that forces us to constantly adjust our perceptions, our doubts, our fantasies; I create a porous line on the border between what is and what could be.

The stories told bring us out of the spaces into which we enter. They take us elsewhere after we have already come here.

It is not at all a question of leaving a space but rather of entering into it, of
entering it fully. It is a question of seeing more, hearing more, perceiving more.
Of being on the look-out.
(We might ask ourselves what this more is, of course.
This is something I still ask myself.)

For it seems to me that we must urgently disturb our peaceful relation with space
(and with the world).
To instil a certain vigilance.
To upset a little our confidence in what we see, what we know, what we hear, what we perceive”.


Perhaps I could add that I like the state of presence engendered by listening and that it is out of this precise state that it then becomes possible to say something else.

Photos : Tanya St-Pierre