Julie Faubert
Julie Faubert explores the space that the body occupies/unoccupies in the West and examines this basic duality in our perceptions, spaces and words. She is greatly inclined towards mixing up: ideas, time, bodies, gestures, places. She likes—for the moment—to say that she creates situations (public, critical, aural, etc.), meaning contexts in which a place, ideas, sounds, images and gestures put an experience into doubt. Tirelessly critical of the numerous ways in which the endemic conformism of our society is engendered, sustained and extended, she hopes to be on the side of things to come.
Since 2011, she has created numerous installations and interventions into and out of which writing and spatial practices, the collection of objects and relational practices, and listening contexts and urban wanderings enter and exit. Like many others, she has exhibited her work in Quebec, the rest of Canada and Europe. She is currently completing a doctoral degree (“Public Space and Urban Renewal: Art and Society”, Universitat de Barcelona/Urban Planning, Université de Montréal) which addresses more specifically urban aural paths and the aesthetic, ethical and political issues tied up with the presence of the body in public space. She teaches at the École des arts visuels at Université Laval.
The artist extends very warm thanks to David St-Onge, Étienne Roussy, Johanne Côté, Kévin Lombarte-Loncle, Hélène Martin, Delphine Hébert-Marcoux, Claire Marcil, Maroussia Faubert-Bravo, Alain Chénier, Hinda Essadiqi, Maurice Marques, Catherine L’Hérault and Aude Maltais-Landry. She also thanks the team at Avatar and all those who will help with the project in the future.