Pépite et Josèphe

Autoportrait du duo Pépite & Josèphe lors du pèlerinage sur les routes de l’Estrie, archive photographique, printemps 2024

Pépite & Josèphe is an artist duo formed in 2016 by Vincent Biron-Chalifour (Pépite) and Josèphe Landreville. Pépite holds a BFA in photography from Concordia since 2018 and Josèphe, an MFA in visual and media arts from UQÀM since 2021. Initially generated by walking and collecting forgotten detritus, their approach is part of an environmental and societal reflection that seeks, through art, to circumvent social acceleration and revalue the waste object now overabundant on the territory.

Their work has been presented in solo exhibitions in Montreal (Atelier Circulaire (2020); Galerie B-312 (2024)), Montérégie (Expression, Centre d’exposition de Saint-Hyacinthe (2023); Zocalo in Longueuil (2023)) and Winnipeg (Maison des artistes (2024)), as well as in several group shows. Both artists have participated in residencies in Quebec City (Engramme, La Bande Vidéo) and Montreal (Espace Limina, Galerie B-312). Their next group show will be held in Rouyn-Noranda (Écart, 2025), and upcoming residencies will take place in Sherbrooke (Sporobole, 2024) and Alma (Sagamie, 2025). Selected for the Estrie photographic mission, the duo will present the results of their research in 2025 at Sporobole (Sherbrooke) and in Gaspésie during the Rencontres internationales de la photographie.

Since 2016, Pépite & Josèphe has been practicing a particular approach to commissioning called tableaux-extension. To date, more than a dozen of these paintings have been created for individuals and private living spaces.

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