

It’s with great pleasure that Sporobole and la Rencontre internationale d’art performance de Québec invite you to an evening of performance art. Starting at 8 p.m. on Tuesday September 27 at 74, Albert Street. Free admission.

Evamaria Schaller

Evamaria Schaller

Christiane Obermayr

Christiane Obermayr

Patric Lacasse

Patric Lacasse


“RiAP in Motion” is a bold strategy that benefits the festival, the invited artists and the partnering organizations all at once. While RiAP benefits from reaching audiences throughout the province of Quebec,the artists are given the opportunity to grasp, experiment with and test Quebec’s
identity and territory, all the while maximizing their reach. This portion of the event also provides a dynamic strategy to the co-presenters who wish to broaden and vary their regular programming, all the while allowing local artists to present their work in various types of events that favour the exchange and sharing of ideas. Both in Quebec City and in the province’s different regions, RiAP has always presented the opportunity to create ties. Indeed, a good number of collaborations and partnerships have seen the day during the event.

For this new edition, the RiAP 2016 will also make the invited artists circulate. Eight artists centers of and cultural organization of Rouyn-Noranda to Chicoutimi, including Trois-Rivières and Montreal, agreed to accompany us in this adventure and will receive the artists of the RiAP 2016 between September 14th and 28th. These organizations are: Atelier Silex (Trois-Rivières), L’Écart (Rouyn-Noranda), Atoll (Victoriaville), Langage Plus (Alma), Le Lobe (Chicoutimi), Sporobole (Sherbrooke), Centre Clark et VIVA ! Art Action.


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Photos : Steven Heimbecker