

Video program about Berlin / performances from here to elsewhere

Composed of two parts, the closing night of the festival presents a program of Berlin monobands as well as two performances.

James Partaik/ Reality Engine: Wireless Demons and Magnetic Disorder Playing with the usual codes of representation of space, the performance Reality Engine offers a sound and virtual overview of the urban space surrounding Sporobole. James Partaik creates a series of acoustic ambiences that gradually recreate an unusual experience of the city. A new urban cartography is elaborated, developing in the spectator a transformed sensory relationship with his immediate environment.
Artist and professor of digital arts at UQAC, Partaik’s artistic interests revolve around the idea of techNOMADISM: the creation of hybrid environments that integrate a range of mobile and real-time technologies, using architectural space, the body, sound and image, and technologies based on sensors and electronics.

Christian Messier: Generated collage
Christian Messier’s performance is a collage of elements whose meaning will be generated by the meeting of limits and the dialogue between the worlds contained within them. For the artist, “art is the singular result of a dialogue between the concepts and phenomena perceived during an artistic experience. The encounter between signifying elements presupposes difference and difference, the limit of worlds. »
Christian Messier lives and works in Montreal. He has participated in several events in a dozen countries. He has also been seen at Viva! Art action in Montreal, at the Biennale d’art performatif de Rouyn-Noranda, 7a*11d in Toronto and at the Manif d’art de Québec.


Optische presents itself as a panorama of contemporary video creation in Berlin. Located at the confluence of Eastern and Western Europe, Berlin is a city-state that opened dramatically to the rest of the world with the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989. Since then, Berlin has been a metropolis that attracts hundreds of artists from Germany, Europe and elsewhere who have come here to establish their permanent or temporary residences. More than 5,000 professional artists are listed on Berlin’s art scene is vast and eclectic, and this program seeks to present a glimpse of this diversity through the point of view of art videos produced in whole or in part in the capital. The program brings together the following works: Winter Crows by Dan Hudson; Knallerbsenbusch (in the bushes) by Juliane Ebner; Urban scene XII: petrol station by Ninia Sverdrup; Little Chance : Water Walk (after John Cage) by Dominic Hislop; Flux by Kostas Makrinos; iTouch by Ivar Veermae; Live in the egg by Andreas Karaoulanis; DSDM (Deutschland sucht den Megastar) by Philippe Internoscia; Person #21 by Karin Felbermayer; Expired by Maryna Makarenko; Zelebration postsowjetischer hoerigkeit (Celebration of post-soviet bondage) by Evy Schubert.
The program is 40 minutes long.


– Sébastien Pesot
Sébastien Pesot obtained a master’s degree from the École des arts visuels de l’UQÀM in 2000. His solo work was recently presented at the Maison de la culture Frontenac (2013) and at Galerie Joyce Yahouda (2012). Pesot works mainly on audio-video installations while investing the field of performance and photography. Founder of the festival Espace [IM] Média, he teaches at the Université de Sherbrooke.