
Exibition of the visual arts graduating students of the Cégep de Sherbrooke

From April 27 to Tuesday May 9 2022, the graduates of the Visual Arts program of the Cégep de Sherbrooke present Boîte blanche, their graduation exhibition.


Boîte blanche offers a new, sparkling space to new ideas, new creations that have just come out of other boxes, grey matter where synapses and neurons have joined forces with small, hard-working and skilful hands. The Boîte blanche, we can say, is also a bit of a blank page, the beginning of a project and is ultimately an invitation, a leverage!

It is with great joy that we receive you for this exhibition, finally in front of an audience! We have greatly missed this during the last two years and I warmly greet the students of the 2020 and 2021 cohorts who were not able to take advantage of such an opportunity.”

– Patric Lacasse, Professor of the class Démarche artistique et diffusion



The poster of the exhibition was created by Valérie Berthelette, William Blier and Laurie Arsenault, from the graphic design program at the Cégep de Sherbrooke.