

In the context of the event Espace [IM] Média, Sporobole presents an exhibition that brings together works by Marie-Andrée Houde, Virginie Laganière, Jacinthe Lessard-L. and Aude Moreau that put into perspective the obsolescence of mediation devices.

Marie-Andrée Houde’s video work L’Écran presents a still shot of the dilapidated screen of the Ouimetoscope, the very first movie theatre in Montreal and in Canada, which is now disused. A sort of trompe-l’oeil, the projection proposes the displacement of the original screen, while a white light illuminates its materiality.

The sound installation Le Théâtre de l’Ordre by Virginie Laganière takes shape in an antechamber from which a rumour emanates from an old radio equipped with four loudspeakers lit by a directional light. This equipment broadcasts sound extracts from films that emphasize control, surveillance and power.

Jacinthe Lessard-L’s series of photographs Les Chambres shows the molded interior of various camera models: 35 mm, large format and Polaroid. From the outset, the forms seem enigmatic, their ambiguity reinforced by the absence of a referent. A tribute to the space that has irrevocably linked photography to painting and art history, Lessard-L’s casting process makes visible the camera obscura that digital photography tends to make disappear.

Aude Moreau’s video installation Faire le vide is articulated around two experiments that explore the counter-field of television images. The first one takes for object the reflection of the television screen turned off while the artist empties her living space. The second is interested in the luminous vibrations reflected on the walls during the broadcasting of an end-of-the-world movie.

Photo: Jocelyn Riendeau