

ModularMondays / Collaboration with the Eastern Bloc artist centre

We are very happy to welcome musicians to Sherbrooke who will offer us sound performances created with modular synthesizers.

ModularMondays are weekly performance sessions of modular synthesizers, taking place at Eastern Bloc artist-run centre in Montreal. Although they are not limited to a specific style, performances tend towards experimental electronic music on the west coast during the 1960s and 1970s.

On April 27th we have the honour to host this event at Sporobole.

The instruments used during these sessions are often built, sometimes even designed, by the artists. The systems range from Buchla to Serge; from Eurorack to Ondomo; from Phenols to Ciat-Lonbardes. The performances last between 10 and 30 minutes, and are interspersed with intervals that give free rein to criticism and discussion.

We welcome, as performers or spectators, all those who are interested in modular synthesizers and experimentation.

If you have modular synthesizers and want to join the group for an afternoon of experimentation and exchanges, followed by an evening of concerts, you must contact us before April 19, 2019.

The sets are documented and shared on

The doors open at 7pm and the concert will start at 8pm.

From 7pm, we invite you to the closing event of Pierre-Luc Senécal’s, which has been broadcast via our sound wall since February 11. The artist will be on hand to discuss his work and his residency at Sporobole. Come and have a drink with us before the modular synthesizers concerts.

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