Creation and production

Antonin Gougeon-Moisan | Sound window

June 24 to July 5, 2024 

As part of our partnership with Université de Montréal’s Faculty of Music, Sporobole is delighted to welcome Antonin Gougeon-Moisan for a research and creation residency for the sound window!

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The project developed during this residency will be a free cartography of Wellington Nord Street, between King Ouest and Frontenac streets in Sherbrooke. The sound window will act as a concrete representation of sound and urban events, depending on where they are recorded. In addition, inspired by the waterways adjacent to the city center, the work will include hydrophonic sound recordings. Like the river’s currents, the human activities to be heard will follow a similar dynamic and densifying profile. In this way, a sonic and poetic link will be created between human and water flows. Moreover, as the residency takes place at the time of two national holidays and at the height of the moving season, human noise will be festive, shrill, overexcited and omnipresent. The artist will attempt to use this highly active sound material to create frames that will flow and respect the unique spatialization of the building’s façade. Accompanied by photographic documentation, the work will explore themes of displacement, identity, human-environment coexistence (in an ecosystemic approach) and urbanism. From the density of sound, it will attempt to conjure up phrases, images and moments of calm and contemplation.

📸 Photo credit : Nina Gibelin Souchon