

ASME (sound art and experimental music) and SPOROBOLE, a center for contemporary art, present the latest in a series of three sound performances programmed by the ASME collective. This special programming wishes to emphasize the importance of context and location in listening to and interpreting experimental music and sound art. It is through a transdisciplinary approach that hybridizes visual arts, sound arts, experimental music and performance and by employing different formal, installation and contextual strategies that the invited artists and the ASME collective wish to bring to the forefront certain issues that emerge more naturally from the visual arts than from sound arts and experimental music.

Tvestroy soma unfolds as one falls asleep late at night in front of a mesmerizingly possessed television set. This introductory world engages the viewer in a progressive confusion and interweaves polyphonic television content with alienating commercials, purifying exorcisms and strident “electrovideoacoustic” paintings.

As part of this special collaboration, the duo will work in a unique context developed by the ASME collective. Tvestroy will integrate elements of video mapping into the monumental installation assembled in the gallery and unleash a cloud of decibels with a high concentration of noise.

Get your plugs ready!

Thomas Ouellet Fredericks is an independent artist, university teacher and consultant. He enjoys creating software, installations, audiovisual performances and interactive objects. He lives and works in Montreal.

Danny Perreault is fascinated by fragmented video projection devices, used in particular in performance contexts in digital and urban art. He is interested in the correlations between scenography, video art, sound and light, and has recently explored audiovisual performance, video anamorphosis, volumetric video installation and architectural projection in order to develop an aesthetic approach inspired by minimalism.

The ASME collective is composed of Philippe-Aubert Gauthier, Éric Desmarais, Olivier Doutres and Tanya St-Pierre.
The project received support from the Canada Council for the Arts.

//// The performance will be followed by Sporobole’s Christmas party. ////


Video credit : Martin Guimont Editing : Gaétan Desmarais