

Manicouagan : 210 million years of astronomical, environmental and historic upheaval


Maya Cousineau Mollen

Sound recording, fifteen poems, 10 min.

Maya Cousineau Mollen’s poetry deals with memories of territory, culture and roots, and history. She celebrates Native femininity while evoking the intimate body. Through her writing, the artist opens a dialogue on various social issues and evokes a painful, melancholic past, but also the beauty of the land, the wildlife that inhabits it or her ancestors who still wander across it like revenants. Words enable her to express the unspeakable in terms that move and elicit empathy. Her writing, calmly enraged, imaginative and imbued with original myths, is an ode to Innu identity and culture.

Read by the artist, the poems written during the expedition are broadcast through headphones that allow viewers to move around the exhibition space. The mobility of the text encourages immersion in the poetic universe of all the works produced by the Manicouagan project. While Maya Cousineau Mollen’s poetry bears witness to a relationship with the land that borders on the sublime, it also echoes the various ways in which artists view historically and emotionally charged places through their work. Between the collective pain and the melancholy provoked by beautiful landscapes, the poet’s discourse envelops the traces of the expedition presented in the gallery space.

Manikuakanishtiku : 210 « millions » tatupipuna ishpish mishta-atussemakak anite uashkut eshi-takuaki tshekuana, inniun mak tipatshimuna


Maya Cousineau Mollen

Kaiashu-pimipanitakanit ka shukashtakuak, kutunnu ashu patetat ashineu-aimunissa, 10 e tshikashtet.

Maya Cousineau Mollen anite utashineu-aimunissit assinu, aitunnu mak anite uetshipanit eukuannua e uauitak, kie ma iapit utipatshimun. Minuatshimeu innushkueua ashit e mussipanitat atamit etamatshiut. E mashinaitshenanut, nenu ashineu-aimunnu ka tutak, tutamu tshetshi uauitakannit eishpannit anite mamu kanatannut mak uitamu ka pikunakannit inniunnu anite pet utat, kessenitakuak, muku iapit tekuannit e minuashinit, aueshishat anite ka taht kie ma aianishkat innuat anite ka pimuteht miam eshku pet kau tekushinitaui. Nenua aimuna miniku tshetshi uitak nenu eka ka tshi minu-uitakannit mak eka ka tshi uapatiniuenannut etamatshiunannut. Eshi-mashinaitshet, menushtat, eshi-nukutat mak e tshikanakutat tanite uetshipanniti innua eukuan ne ka mishta-itenitakuak ashineu-aimun eshi-uinitishut innu mak utinnu-aitun.

Ue tipan ka pikutat tshekuannu ka tshitapatak, nenua ashineu-aimunissa ka tutakaniti mekuat e pamutenanut mishue pimipanitakanua anite utukaikauna tshetshi ne ka tshitapatak nenu, ishkueu kie ma napeu tshika tshi pamuteu anite nenu uiapatiniuenannut. Ne eshi-pimututakanit kamashinaitshenanut uitshiueu tshetshi pushipannanut anite mishue tekuak ashineu-aitun anite mishue e takuaki atusseuna uetshipaniti ne atusseun ka tutakanit anite Manikuakan. Eku uin Maya Cousineau Mollen utashineu-aimunissima ishi-uauitamu assinu kiatshitaitshemakannit e mishta-minuashinit tshekuannu, iapit uitamu tatipan eshi-uapataminiti nenua tatipan ka ishi-pikutaniti tshekuannu, anite ut utatusseunnuat, anite meshta-akuashinakuannit tipatshimunnu mak meshta-takuak tshekuan etamatshiunanut. Mamu kassenitamun mak tekuak mueshtatamun e tshitapatakanit ne ishpish minuashit eishinakuak assi, nenu ashineu-aimunissinu ka tutak kanuenitamu nenu eshi-nakatamatshenannut anite ishpish tanannut anite ne ka uapatiniuenanut ashineu-atusseun.

📸 Courtesy Voart Exhibition Centre