A reel-to-reel tape recorder is perched at the very top of a metal staircase, playing an audio track. But instead of carefully rewinding the tape, the device’s mechanism is letting it get away and slowly slip onto a sloped surface. At the bottom of this slope the tape forms arabesques that pile up on top of one another. They are then undone as the tape continues along its path and goes back up to the tape recorder to complete the circle. Farther on, a video camera connected to a projector shows us, magnified and in real time, this constantly repeated exercise.
The question of control that drives Sébastien Cliche’s work is once again at the heart of his project. But can control exist without its opposite, the lack of constraint? Does not this letting go of control, far from generating chaos, give rise instead to self-regulating processes, to involuntary control mechanisms? This, at least, is what the operator who sleeps uneasily is counting on, for this is the fictional character responsible for this precarious system which risks jamming up if the minimal conditions for its smooth operation are not in place.
Saturday April 18 at 2 p.m., you are invited to a conference by Montreal artist Sébastien Cliche in the context of his exhibition The Uneasy Sleep of the Operator. Sébastien will discuss his installation at Sporobole, as well as his artistic practice.
After the conference, please stay with us for an informal presentation by the Regroupement des arts interdisciplnaires du Québec (RAIQ) with artist Érick D’Orion
Sébastien Cliche wishes to thank the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec for its financial assistance.
RAIQ Founded in April 2005, the Regroupement des arts interdisciplinaires du Québec is a non-profit organization that brings together and represents companies, presenters and artists working in interdisciplinary arts in Quebec. Its mandate is to defend the professional interests and improve the socio-economic conditions of its members. Through its information, consultation, networking, promotion and training activities, the RAIQ intends to actively participate in the development and influence of the discipline throughout the province. In the long term, the RAIQ hopes to make a significant contribution to: increasing exchanges and collaborations between the various stakeholders in the sector in Quebec and elsewhere; promoting better public knowledge of these new art forms; and finally, obtaining fair recognition of interdisciplinary arts from the various public authorities.
Website of the organization : http://raiq.ca/
Photos : Tanya St-Pierre