Digi-Deuil Distribution (DDD) is a participatory installation centred on digital death. As virtual space becomes increasingly cluttered with our digital artifacts, DDD questions how technology impacts our understanding of (im)mortality. Through pixel-art video-game inspired aesthetics, DDD plays with the gamification and commodification of contemporary experience, considering how even our most sacred subjects are turned into products for consumption. At the same time, gameplay provides an entry point for viewers to reflect upon our deepest fears and anxieties outside of everyday life. Echoing the constraints of social media, DDD permits only a short text and single media file through which participants can self-represent, questioning the limitations of digital identity construction online.
DDD invites participants to buy a small piece of virtual space within the digital cemetery of A customized vending machine dispenses acrylic headstones containing web addresses that will lead the user/owner to their own burial plot. Each headstone is unique and customizable, and participants are invited to write a short epitaph and to bury an image/text/sound file to commemorate their digital death, which will be visible to visitors to the website.