Wolfgang Tragseiler

Wolfgang Tragseiler’s work focuses on ideal produced and reproducible images of the media industry. The perfectly staged media image serves as a model for real life, but is still a utopia. Star mechanisms and genre constructions are made visible through the reconstruction of promises of happiness in the media. The spectrum of the artist’s work ranges from art in the public space to installations, photo and video works to performances.

From 2009 to 2013, Wolfgang Tragseiler worked with Nora Kurzweil and Daniel Massow in the artists’ collective Martin & The evil eyes of Nur. In performances, videos and photo works, two self-proclaimed stars interpret their queer masculinity. Her permanent claim to be a pop star leads to a constant tragic failure. Since the dissolution of Martin & The evil eyes of Nur 2013, Wolfgang Tragseiler has been working more and more as a solo artist. In the summer of 2014, Tragseiler began a cooperation with Alexander Jöchl under the name joechlTRAGSEILER .