Thomas Ouellet Fredericks

Experienced Lecturer with a demonstrated history of working in the higher education industry, Thomas Ouellet Fredericks is an independent artist, designer and consultant. He has worked with sound, the moving image, interactivity, pigs, cockroaches, lobsters, fish and emotional couches. When he is not managing his bestiary, he makes software, installations, audiovisual performances and interactive objects. His interests lie in cybernetics and how interactivity can develop new relationships between individuals. In his audiovisual performances, he emphasizes a constant direct link between the audio and the video: they emerge as one, as optolectroacoustics. He is mainly motivated by the pleasure of creating and sharing knowledge.

He often integrates social and political issues in his work and helps other artists tackle technological difficulties and regularly contributes to Open Source hardware and software platforms and has developed several open source libraries for Wiring, Arduino, Max, Processing, Pure-Data, P5.js and Unity.