Steve Heimbecker

Artist / composer, Steve Heimbecker lives and works in the Eastern Townships region of Quebec, Canada. He was born in Saskatchewan and studied fine arts at the Alberta College of Art (1977-1980). Since the 1980s, his multi-channel creations have won awards in Canada and Europe, including two Honourable Mentions: Interactive Art (2005) and Digital Musics (2009) from Prix Ars Electronica in Linz, Austria. His recent exhibitions include NOTES (2017), Manif d’art 8 – La biennale de Québec; Installations – POD (2016), Musée des beaux-arts du Québec; Paravent Mosaïque (2016), Place des Arts, Montreal; and the Sonic Jello concert series (2015), Hexagram-UQAM. In 2018, he was honored to be a guest lecturer for Sound Arts, at CRiSAP – University of the Arts London, UK.

Throughout his career, Heimbecker has often explored the expanses of nature and humanity as a common theme. In addition to creating A Day and a Year at Libby’s Pond / Un jour et une année au lac Libby for the Musée des beaux-arts de Sherbrooke in 2019, he is also completing two major new multi-channel audio-video installations: The 13 Points of the Falling Star / Les 13 pointes de l’étoile filante (2019) and Seasons of the Rock Wall Forest / Saisons de Rock Wall Forest (2019), and SCAMP, a new interactive sound trail for Sporobole’s Espace [IM] Media festival, Sherbrooke, QC.