Phillip David Stearns

Phillip David Stearns (born 1982 in Austin, TX) is an artist currently based in New York City. He holds a Bachelor of Music degree from the University of Colorado Denver and a Master of Music degree from the California Institute of the Arts. His multidisciplinary practice is broadly concerned with the poetics of experience in relation to applied technology. Process, materiality, and concept are brought together in works that range from performance to computer textiles, video, immersive installation, digital image and sound. His work has been presented internationally by numerous institutions including the Zhongzhou Museum of Art, Carl & Marilynn Thoma Art Foundation, Haus der Elektronischen Künste Basel, Hochschule Düsseldorf, Park Avenue Armory, ELEKTRA-BIAN, Tate Britain, Transmediale, Anyang Public Art Project, FAD Festival de Arte Digital, FILE, and Transitio. He is currently a member of the Year 5 cohort of NEW INC, the art, technology and design incubator run by the New Museum.