Philippe Caron Lefebvre

Philippe Caron Lefebvre uses sculpture to explore its status and that of concepts around systems, nature, design, science and fiction. He holds a bachelor’s degree in visual and media arts from the Université du Québec à Montréal and a master’s degree in fine art from Concordia University. His work has been shown in Canada, Mexico and Japan at venues including Studio Kura (Itoshima, 2015), PDA Projects (Ottawa, 2015), Circa art actuel (Montreal, 2014), Antoine Ertaskiran gallery (Montreal, 2014), Musée d’art contemporain des Laurentides (St-Jérôme, 2014-15), CMAEM University, (Cuernavaca, 2014), Museo Erasto Taller Cortez (Puebla, 2013) and Caravansérail (Rimouski, 2013). He is the recipient of a grant from the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec in the emerging artists category. Philippe Caron Lefebvre is represented by the Nicolas Robert gallery in Montreal.