Michel Huneault

Michel Huneault is a documentary photographer and contemporary visual artist. His work focuses on issues related to development, trauma, migration, and other geographically complex realities, including the impacts of climate change. He holdsa master’s degree from the University of California Berkeley, where he was a Rotary Peace Fellow studying the role of collective memory in the aftermath of large-scale trauma.. Before dedicating his career to photography in 2008, he worked in international development for more than a decade.

His long-term project on the Lac-Mégantic tragedy won the 2015 Dorothea Lange-Paul Taylor Prize. In 2016, his project Post Tohoku, which focussed on the aftermath of the tsunami in Japan, was nominated for the Pictet 7 Award and received the Antoine-Désilets Award. In 2018, he adapted Roxham, a photographic and binaural sound project about asylum seekers crossing the border from the United States to Canada, into a virtual reality experience in collaboration with the National Film Board of Canada. In the spring of 2020, he was commissioned by the McCord Museum to document the impacts of COVID-19 in Montreal.