Léna Mill-Reuillard

Léna Mill-Reuillard works with images, whether photographic, video or cinematographic. Her practice oscillates between still and moving images: she creates temporal hybridizations in order to develop another duration emanating from the image. Moreover, she is interested in the materiality of photography; she seeks through various manipulations – physical and photo-physical – to give a corporality to the image. Through the spatial setting of her works, the artist also explores the involvement of the body in the perception and reading of these works. The spatio-temporal games that she develops become subtle settings between fictitious and real space that question our perceptive relationship to images.

Léna Mill-Reuillard holds a bachelor’s degree in cinema as well as a master’s degree in visual and media arts from the Université du Québec à Montréal. Her work has been presented at Dazibao, Galerie de l’UQAM and Les Territoires in Montreal, as well as at Centre VU in Quebec City. Recipient of numerous grants and distinctions, she has been awarded the PRIM|Dazibao 2015 production and broadcasting residency, among others. At the same time, several films in which she participated as a director of photography travelled to festivals around the world and won numerous awards.