Isabelle Gagné

Isabelle Gagné is a multimedia artist who lives and works in Mirabel. Strongly influenced by her digital environment, the artist is particularly interested in the markers of Quebec’s heritage, its archives and its landscapes. Her work is articulated through photography, poetry, digitized archives and bots via devices deployed on the network. Since 2009, his work has been presented in solo and group exhibitions in Canada and abroad, notably at Gallery on the Corner in London (2011), Centre d’Art Léo-Ayotte in Shawinigan (2012), Lunch Box Art Gallery in Miami (2012), Factory Art Gallery in Berlin (2013), Centre national d’exposition in Saguenay (2014, 2018), at the Irohani Gallery in Osaka (2014), at the Mois de la Photo de Montréal (2015, now MOMENTA Biennale de l’image), at TOPO – Laboratoire d’écritures numériques (2017), at the Rencontres internationales de la photographie en Gaspésie (2018), at Vaste et Vague (2018) as well as at the Amalgame Gallery (2019). A pioneer of mobile art in Canada, she co-founded the Mouvement Art Mobile (MAM) in 2011 and it is as curator that she co-curated the exhibition and catalog Mobilizations – L’art mobile au Québec which traveled the province from 2016 to 2018. She co-wrote “Pourquoi art mobile”, an essay published in the journal Théorème at Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle (2018).