Hélène Matte

An indisciplinary poet and cultural worker for more than twenty years in Quebec City, Hélène Matte is a free spirit wearing many hats: writer, curator and mediator, performer and visual artist, mother and citizen. His practice involves the notions of voice, encounter and art-action. It has held exhibitions and performances elsewhere in the world, but also acts at the local level where it initiates projects that bring people together, such as Apprentice Poets! (2014) and Vies de Quartier (2016). Hélène has directed or produced numerous videopoeias, including Rebote, presented at the Semaine de la Critique at the 2016 Cannes Film Festival. In 2019, it disseminated the multidisciplinary project ZumTrobaR. (photo. credits: Jean-Christophe Blanchet).