Gerald Roßbacher

Gerald Roßbacher is a Linz and Vienna based new media artist and musician. He studied Visual Arts at the University of Art and Design in Linz and Transmedia Art at the University of Applied Art in Vienna.

Gerald Roßbachers work often reflects on the fundamental characteristics and qualities of technical media, its usage and impact on society. As a musician he works with magnetic fields emitted by computer hard disks. He writes software to manipulate sound, images, videos and raw data, but also to generate objects. In 2015 he co-founded the art space KLUCKYLAND.

Selected exhibitions and screenings of his work include: ARS Electronica Festival, the Istanbul Biennial, the Luckman Fine Arts Complex in Los Angeles and other international and national art spaces. He had a two month stay as Artist in Residence at the Austrian Residence in Tehran.
