Dominique Sirois

A multidisciplinary artist from Montreal, Dominique Sirois has created installations – in which he creates spatial settings of objects evoking both the museum world and the shop window display – as well as sound performances and interventions. It develops projects where elements from the world of work, art and music are juxtaposed. From 2006 to 2009, she produced works inspired by her experience as a custodian at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Her work has been presented in solo exhibitions at Centre Circa, Galerie Le Lieu, Galerie Espace Virtuel de Chicoutimi, Centre Clark, Centre des arts actuels Skol, Galerie Verticale and Maison des artistes visuels francophones de Saint-Boniface, Manitoba. Since 2009, she has held a master’s degree in visual and media arts from the Université du Québec à Montréal.