Danny Perreault

Danny Perreault is an artist, cultural worker and teacher of digital art. His dissertation, submitted in 2013, addresses issues related to videomapping. He has produced audiovisual works, volumetric video installations and co-creation laboratories with other artists. He is interested in both the aesthetic and social impacts of digital art.

He has developed a particular sensitivity to working with space, and a desire to explore its possible reconfigurations. Light is a propitious material with which to invest and modify it. The use of video projectors enables a form of precise cutting of space, and also adds the temporal dimension of movement. The video projector becomes the equivalent of a light projector with pictorial content in motion. He has explored volumetric projection in Flow, Coup d’éclats and Laboratoire Popmolle.

Co-creation also plays an important role in his approach. It brings an iterative dynamic and constant questioning that contribute to greater personal and collective fulfillment. Co-creation is a pretext for meeting others, and encourages individuals to have a real impact on their community. He is a regular participant in various small-group projects, such as Show Bideew in Dakar.