Collaboration Qc-Mx 22-23
Structuring project

Cooperation Qc-Mx (22-23)

See the full report here

Fablabs (from the English fabrication laboratory) are multi-purpose workshops for ongoing research (creation, prototyping, development and manufacturing) whose social aim is to encourage experimentation and technical innovation through a collaborative approach. In addition to the laboratories identified as Fablabs (which are grouped together in an international network), there are other spaces for artistic creation and research, development and manufacturing that combine innovation and technology under the same perspective of collaboration and knowledge sharing. These include Sporobole in Sherbrooke (Quebec, Canada), Impact MX and Biology Studio in Mexico City (Mexico) and IDIT in Puebla (Mexico).

The aim of this program is to create partnerships (initiated during a prospective visit to Mexico in February 2020) between all these spaces in order to consolidate links enabling the development of projects and facilitate the sharing of expertise in cutting-edge artistic research fields. To this end, preliminary meetings have been organized during 2022 to facilitate exchanges and highlight possible areas of collaboration.

Opportunities for collaboration include research, training activities, artistic residencies, dissemination activities and projects on the governance of social economy enterprises and open knowledge.

This project is funded by the Ministère des Relations internationales et de la Francophonie and the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications.