Creation and production

RAINER GAMSJÄGER | International Residency

Rainer Gamsjäger works in the old genre of landscape painting, even if nature photography supplies him with no more than the raw material for his computer-generated works.

The apparent naturalism in his work does not hold up for long. Something is not quite right with this picture, this movement. In the background the trunks begin to stretch out horizontally. Has the image been digitally altered? Have artificial effects been applied to the idyllic scene? Not at all. Instead, the image as a whole turns out to be artificial, its realism the result of elaborate reconstruction.

The latter, at least, is the product of conditioned perception, the attempt to draw something that is logically impossible into the realistic scheme of things. The moving pictures of Rainer Rainer Gamsjäger strains at the synapses. Training for the digital.


You are invited to a 5 à 7 with artists Julien Poidevin and Rainer Gasmjäger

on November 26

Exhibition November 24 to 28


Sporobole is happy to invite you to a 5 à 7 in honour of artists-in-residence Julien Poidevin and Rainer Gamsjäger.

In the context of the artist residency, French artist Julien has installed a weather station on Sporobole’s roof that captures environmental data (wind, light). This data is then used and translated to activate two installations that echo each other. The first proposition is a sound environment located outdoors, through Sporobole’s Sound Window diffusion system. All day, sound will be modulated, mixed and will “move”, to reflect the climate and its subtle variations. The second proposition comprises a space that is modified by a sculptural installation made out of suspended metal tubes that are activated and resonate acoustically, thus creating sound shapes that shift according to wind velocity.

From Austria, Rainer has been at Sporobole for the last two months. He has explored the region to capture moving images with the help of a remote-controlled filmic device he has created. This device allows the artist to record apparently artificial landscapes that are the result of complex reconstruction of reality.


Artist and studio-apartment residency exchanges between Québec and Upper Austria

Given the importance the Québec government accords to creating lasting cultural ties with Upper Austria, in 2014 the Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec (CALQ) concluded a two-year partnership agreement with the State Government of Upper Austria to create an exchange program of studio-apartments and studios for creation and resourcing for the visual and digital arts. These residencies are intended to promote the creation of durable bonds and the cross fertilization of approaches between artists from Québec and Upper Austria, thus fostering their artistic development.

In the context of this exchange, a Québec artist can reside for a two-month sojourn in one of the nine studios included in the Atelierhaus Salzamt international artists residency space in the City of Linz and an artist from Upper Austria can take advantage of a creation residency of the same duration at the SPOROBOLE centre, in Sherbrooke.
