Creation and production

Mathieu Valade | AI creation

Fall 2024

During his residency, Mathieu Valade aims to deepen his work in the world of generative video. The results of this exploration will be used in final installations.

His artistic practice explores the relationship between simple forms and the images they evoke, creating a dialogue between minimalism, conceptual art and artistic modernity. By emphasizing a strong plasticity, hybridized with elements of simple representation (typography, pictograms, reflections, moldings, geometric forms), his sculptures, drawings and video installations raise new potential for interpretation. The artistic object is an artifice that requires a “leap” into illusion in order to associate graphic or plastic elements and thus detect the image. The image is never given, it has to be constructed. It is suggested by different elements of plastic language: shapes, repetitions, light signals, all components of a setting that find their meaning through an exercise in associating signs.

📸 Rorschach Wall, 2020, video installation, televisions, black Plexiglass, Electronic Hardware. Courtesy of the artist.