Creation and production


Residency for the sound window, presented as part of Sporobole’s 50th anniversary celebrations;

Double opening (Exhibition: Baron Lanteigne): Friday, February 23, 2024 at 5 p.m.

The Ghost of György


The Ghost of György is a sound art piece inspired by a quote from Hungarian composer György Ligeti, spoken in the documentary György Ligeti: Portrait (1993). This quote pertains to his work Requiem, which he describes as a naturalistic piece based on the idea that, much like in nature, sound has neither a beginning nor an end. For instance, when we are inside a house in the forest and open the window, we hear the sounds from outside. Once the window is closed, we no longer hear those sounds! During his residency, Érick d’Orion aims to explore this concept of the extension of time by creating a series of pieces that can juxtapose and interlock in a way that there is no clear beginning or end. He briefly delved into this concept in 2008, two years after the composer’s death.

The artist suggests establishing a connection between this way of “seeing” or “reading” a work and the all-over, a visual art practice that emerged in the 1940s-1950s. The all-over involves distributing pictorial elements more or less uniformly across the entire surface of the canvas, extending beyond its physical boundaries, thereby eliminating the issue of a defined field.



Gallery photo credit : Jean-Michel Naud


SPORO 50ANS 01 Calq noir