Creation and production


It’s with great enthusiasm that Sporobole welcomes artist Émile Morin in the context of the 2016-2017 art-science residency. The artist will be working with Professor Patrice Masson and Research Professional Nicolas Quaegebeur of the Groupe d’acoustique de l’Université de Sherbrooke (GAUS).

Émile Morin’s work is one of perpetual pursuit of complex systems that emerge from the interaction of diverse codes by interweaving devices that were previously foreign to each other. His artwork employs, among other things, the disruption of perceptual processes; the use of automation algorithms; the elaboration, through interlacing practices, of a restatement of the world’s complexity.

Émile Morin is interested in the artworks’ architectonics, bringing to light the close imbrication of certain works with their devices (conceptual or technological). More than a simple mechanical understanding of the works, he assumes an interest towards the functionalities of the devices therein in order to reveal the operational modes that are then inscribed as new languages that must be studied prior to their translation and transposition.

This is the strategy that the artist will implement during the art-science residency. It delimits the foundation of his collaboration with the scientists of GAUS (Groupe d’acoustique de l’Université de Sherbrooke, through prior discovery of the area of research of the scientists, its codes, its procedures and the nature of the potential chemistry.

Although this knowledge sharing will determine the conditions of this joint research, preconception of its finality must be delayed. Emile Morin is searching, as in all of this creative work, for complex systems, unprecedented and unpredictable, while attempting to trace the operational modes of the scientists’ devices; to track acoustic anomalies; to imagine their possible diversion; to render intangible ultrasounds visible; to sonify space as it has never been seen before…