Patric Lacasse

Patric Lacasse works as a visual arts teacher at the Cégep de Sherbrooke. In his artistic practice, he directs his interests towards action through gesture in the public space. For the past few years, he has given several workshops on the subject, notably at the prestigious language school of Middlebury University, Vt. He is also co-founder of the world-renowned Montreal event Viva Art-Action, for which he co-commissioned the first edition for the Centre des arts actuels Skol. His performance work has been seen in several international festivals, both as a collective and individually (Germany, China, Korea, Spain, USA). He is also interested in Fait-Maison with whom he organized a two-day meeting including workshops and performances, in the Estrie region. Among his interests for the action of the body in space, he is interested in the multiple correspondences of the act with the presentation space through video, sound and sculpture-installation. His indoor work has been seen in several exhibition centers and artistic events in Quebec. His experiences and engagements with artist-run centers also make him a partner on several boards of directors, notably at the Centre des arts actuels Skol and Sporobole, center en art actuel. He holds a Master’s degree in Visual and Media Arts from UQÀM.