Marc Plas

Born on May 13, 1959 in Perpignan, he now lives and works in Paris.

He studied Modern Literature at the University of Montpellier III and continued his studies in art history at EHESS in 1984. He taught Fine Arts and Literature in Languedoc in Normandy and Ile de France, from 1985 to 2002. In 1982/1983, he taught in Malaysia and did radio work in Hong Kong. He has practiced and still practises painting, drawing, cinema and video. He is particularly interested in the relationship between cinema and video: “As far as my practice of video and cinema is concerned, the word “dramaturgy” would probably have no meaning and would have to be replaced by a less exogenous term, more appropriate to the constituent elements of the filmmaking process.

Experimenting with the hybridization of media, practicing the transition between media, is first of all to take into account the particularities of each of them and their irreducible differences. »