Juliette Lusven

Design sans titre

Juliette Lusven is an artist-researcher working at the intersection of art, technology, science and environments in a collaborative and processual perspective. She is interested in forms of invisibility and interconnections between natural and technological phenomena, exploring their informational, geophysical and imaginary resonances in the creation of audiovisual installations. In this age of hyperconnectivity, her work questions the way in which transmission and visualization processes in relation to terrestrial and oceanic space interact with ecosystems, materialities and flows, at the intersection of human and non-human vision and on different scales (micrometric, planetary). She is currently pursuing a PhD in research-creation at UQAM, with a project focusing on the Atlantic submarine Internet infrastructure. Since 2020, she has realized several creative residencies at Geotop-UQAM (Research Centre in Earth System Dynamics) and aboard the ISMER-UQAR research vessel Coriolis II to study the deep-sea environment. Her work is supported by the Hexagram research-creation network and has recently been presented at Agora-Hydro Québec, the MUTEK and NOVA festivals (2021), Galerie ELEKTRA (2022), ISEA and Ars Electronica (2023).