Amélie Brisson-Darveau

Amélie Brisson-Darveau lives and works between Montreal and Zurich.  She received her MFA from Concordia University in the Fibres Art program. Before she started her MFA, Amélie completed a B.A. in Visual and Media Art at the Université du Québec à Montréal and received a second BA in Social Work from Université de Montréal.  Amélie is interested in activating the dynamics between composition of movements (from the body or materials), architecture and shadows. Through her installations, performative actions and drawings, she makes these forces emerging and disappearing at the same time. It is through researches and experimentations about textures and structures of (im)materials that she can cut and tie narratives.

Her work has been shown in various exhibitions and events in Canada, United-States, Switzerland, England, France, Germany, Finland, Lithuania, Turkey and Norway. She has received grants from FQRSC (Fonds de recherche sur la science et la culture) and the Canada Council for the Arts and the Emerging Artist Award from the Kaunas Textile Biennale. Amélie is currently working as an artistic research associate at the Institute for Contemporary Art Research in Zurich.